Last updated: January 2024
  1. PT Space Dragon Bali (“we”, “us”, “our” or the “Company”) is steadfastly committed to safeguarding your Personal Data. This Privacy Notice and its addendum(s) (“Privacy Notice”) explains how and why we collect, process, store, use and/or disclose your Personal Data (as defined below) in relation to your use of our services, as well as your rights as an individual. This Privacy Notice applies to our consumers or lessees and encompasses any Personal Data given to us. Any of the uses listed in this Privacy Notice and any other uses noted at the time of collection are permitted for the Personal Data you supply to us.
  2. Reading this Privacy Notice will help you understand your privacy rights and choices.
  3. Personal Data means any individual’s or person’s data that can be identified on its own or in combination with other information either directly or indirectly through an electronic or non-electronic system (“Personal Data”) as defined in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection as may be amended or substituted by subsequent legislation governing personal data protection (“Indonesia PDP Law”).

Table of Contents

    ■  What PersonalData Do We Process?

    ■  What Is ThePurpose of Processing Your Personal Data?

    ■  When And WithWhom Do We Share Your Personal Data?

    ■  What Legal Bases DoWe Rely On To Process Your Personal Data?

    ■  What Are YourRights Under The Applicable Laws and Regulations?

    ■  How Do We KeepYour Personal Data?

    ■  How Long Do WeKeep Your Personal Data?

    ■  Do We CollectPersonal Data From Minors?

    ■  Do We DoCross-Border Data Transfer?

    ■  How Can YouContact Us About This Notice?

    ■  Miscellaneous

What Personal Data Do We Process?

  1. We collect and process the following Personal Data for the purposes as elaborated in the next section. Without it, we may not be able to provide our services:

    ■  surname and firstname;

    ■  date of birth;

    ■  passport data;

    ■  stay permit data;

    ■  visa data;

    ■  citizenship;

    ■  a sample of apersonal signature;

    ■  place ofpermanent residence and temporary stay;

    ■  phone number;

    ■  e-mail address;and

    ■  bank accountdetails.

5. The Personal Data we process is provided to us directly by you, and must be true, complete, and accurate, and you can notify us of any changes to such Personal Data by referring to Section 12 of this Privacy Notice.

What Is The Purpose Of Processing Your Personal Data?

  1. We may use your Personal Data for the following purposes set out in the list below (“Purposes”).

    ■  Negotiation and executionof any of the following agreements: Apartment Reservation Form, BindingAgreement for Lease, Lease Agreement, Management and Maintenance Agreement andany other agreements serving a similar purpose (regardless of their specifictitles), and the amendments or supplements to these agreements (“Lease Documents”), and fulfilment of your request before entering into the LeaseDocuments;

    ■  Performance of ourservices and/or obligations under the Lease Documents;

    ■  Compliance withlegal requirements; and/or

    ■  Protection ofyour vital interest or our legitimate interest (including but not limited to thepurposes stated herein).

  1. We ask you only to share Personal Data where it is strictly needed for these purposes.

When And With Whom Do We Share Your Personal Data?

  1. We will only transfer Personal Data to third parties where we have the legal right to do so. In order to preserve the Personal Data and ensure that we adequately satisfy the requirements of Personal Data protection, confidentiality, and security when we share data with others, we put in place contractual agreements and security measures as necessary.
  2. We may share some of your Personal Data with banks, agents, insurance companies, and other companies directly involved in the negotiation, execution and performance of the Lease Documents. Please see below examples of Personal Data processing activities in which case we will need to transfer your data to a third party or such processing activities are performed by a third party as data processors:

    1. Banks - Personal Data may be shared with banks partnered with us in providing financing facilities for potential condotel owners, or setting up payment accounts necessary for the payment activities by the condotel owner.

    2. Insurance Companies - Personal Data may be shared with insurance companies should there is an accident that happened to you in the Company’s properties whereby no other parties could provide your Personal Data to the Insurance Companies for insurance claims purposes.

    3. Agents - Personal Data may be shared with agents engaged by us for marketing and attracting potential condotel owners.

    4. Affiliates - Personal Data may be shared with our affiliates, in which case we will require those affiliates to honor this privacy notice. Affiliates include our parent company and any subsidiaries, joint venture partners, or other companies that we control or that are under common control with us.

    5. Other Companies - Personal Data may be shared with our advisors (e.g. legal, financial, business or other advisors) who are under a duty of confidentiality to us and engaged by us to assist in provision of services to the condotel owners.

What Legal Bases Do We Rely On To Process Your Personal Data?

  1. We only process your Personal Data when we believe it is necessary and we have a valid legal reason (i.e., a legal basis) to do so under the Indonesia PDP Law and its implementing and related regulations, with your consent, to comply with the applicable laws and regulations, to provide you with services to enter into or to fulfill our contractual obligations, to protect your rights, to fulfill our legitimate business interests, or to accommodate vital and public interests.
  2. The Indonesia PDP Law requires us to explain the valid legal bases we rely on in order to process your Personal Data. As such, we may rely on the following legal bases to process your personal information:

    a. Consent. We may process your Personal Data if you have given us permission (i.e., consent) to use your Personal Data for a specific purpose. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

    b. Contractual Obligations. We may process your Personal Data in order to negotiate, enter into or fulfill a contract with you as well as to keep records for accounting purposes after the termination of the contract with you.

    c. Legal Obligations. We may process your Personal Data in cases where we believe it is necessary for compliance with our regulatory and legal obligations, including our ‘know your customer’ (KYC) and due diligence requirements, for cooperation with a law enforcement body or regulatory agency, for exercising or defending our legal rights, for use as evidence in litigation in which we are involved and/or for tax purposes when we act as a tax withholder.

    d. Legitimate Interests. We may process your Personal Data to prevent fraud or to ensure the network and information security of our IT systems.

    e. Vital Interests. We may process your Personal Data if circumstances risk your life in the Company’s properties, e.g., natural disasters, personal injuries, etc.

    f. Public Interests. We may process your Personal Data if circumstances necessitate your Personal Data being processed by the authorised governmental authority, e.g., for immigration purposes, etc.

What Are Your Rights Under The Applicable Laws and Regulations?

  1. We would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. You are entitled to the following rights:•

    ■  The right to be informed – request to know. Dependingon the circumstances, you have a right to know:

        -  whether we collect and use your Personal Data;
        -  the categories of Personal Data that we collect;
        -  the purposes for which the collected Personal Data is used;
        -  whether we share Personal Data to third parties;
        -  the categories of Personal Data that we have sold, shared, or disclosed for a business purpose;
        -  the categories of the third parties to whom the Personal Data was shared, or disclosed for a business purpose;
        -  the business or commercial purpose for collecting or sharing Personal Data; and
        -  the specific pieces of Personal Data we have collected about you.•

    ■  The right to rectification – You have the right to request that the Company correct any Personal Data you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request the Company to complete the Personal Data you believe is incomplete. •

    ■  The right to erasure – You have the right to request that the Company terminate the data processing or erase/destroy your Personal Data  to the extent permissible under prevailing laws and regulations. If you ask us to delete your Personal Data, we will respect your request and delete your Personal Data, subject to certain exceptions provided by the laws and regulations, such as (but not limited to) our compliance requirements resulting from a legal obligation, or any processing that may be required to protect against illegal activities.•

    ■  The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that the Company restrict/delay/suspend the processing of your Personal Data to the extent permissible under prevailing laws and regulations . •

    ■  The right to object to the processing – You have the right to object to the Company’s processing of your Personal Data to the extent permissible under prevailing laws and regulations. •

    ■  The right to data portability – You have the right to request that the Company transfer the data that we have collected to another organisation, or directly to you to the extent permissible under prevailing laws and regulations. •

    ■  The right to withdraw consent – You have the right to withdraw your Personal Data processing to the extent permissible under the applicable laws and regulations.•

    ■  The right to obtain compensation – You have the right to submit a claim and obtain compensation for the violation of Personal Data processing under the applicable laws and regulations.

By sending an email to or contact us by post to our address as stated in Section 20, you can exercise the above rights, and we will respond to you subject to the applicable laws and regulations in a timely manner.

How Do We Keep Your Personal Data?

  1. We aim to protect your Personal Data through a system of organisational and technical security measures.
  2. We have implemented appropriate and reasonable technical and organisational security measures designed to protect the security of any Personal Data we process: your Personal Data is securely stored in Microsoft Azure cloud storage .
  3. When we share your Personal Data with any third party, we will strive to ensure that such third party complies with the Indonesian PDP Law, this Privacy Notice and other appropriate confidentiality and security measures that we require them to comply with when using your Personal Data, except for the Personal Data you provide directly to the third party through the use of their services.
  4. However, despite our safeguards and efforts to secure your Personal Data, no electronic transmission over the internet or information storage technology can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, so we cannot promise or guarantee that hackers, cybercriminals, or other unauthorised third parties will not be able to defeat our security and improperly collect, access, steal, or modify your information. Although we will do our best to protect your Personal Data, transmission of Personal Data to and from our services is done at your own risk. You should only access the services within a secure environment.

How Long Do We Keep Your Personal Data?

  1. For as long as it is deemed necessary for the purposes for which it was collected (including as required by relevant laws and/or regulations), we retain your Personal Data that has been processed by us.

Unless we delete your Personal Data following the receipt of a request from you, our standard retention time for records and other documentary evidence produced in the course of providing services is a minimum of five years, excluding any special legal, regulatory, contractual obligations and/or for our legitimate business interests. We will dispose of your information by deleting it from our records and from any back up storage after five years or a longer period as required by applicable laws and regulations from the date the period of the lease is terminated.

Extended retention periods for Personal Data may be needed by law or regulation, as well as when it is necessary to establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights.

Do We Collect Personal Data from Minors?

  1. In the event that the Personal Data of a minor is disclosed to us, you hereby acknowledge, as the rightful legal guardian of the child, that you have read and understand the processing of your children’s Personal Data will be performed in a manner provided under this Privacy Notice.

Do We Do Cross-Border Data Transfer?

  1. The Company complies with laws on the transfer of Personal Data between countries to help ensure your data is protected, wherever it may be. In any case, we will take appropriate steps to ensure that your Personal Data remains subject to a standard of protection comparable to the requirements under the applicable laws and regulations, i.e., we will have a binding agreement with each foreign business partner to govern the protection of your Personal Data.

How Can You Contact Us About This Notice?

  1. If you have questions or comments about this notice, you may email us at or contact us by post at:

The Promenade Jl. Shortcut Teratai - Batu Bolong No. P14, Canggu, Kuta Utara, Badung, Bali , Indonesia


  1. This Privacy Notice is governed under laws of the Republic of Indonesia.
  2. The Company may at any time make changes or updates to this Privacy Notice as part of compliance with laws and regulations and the Company’s internal policies. The Company posts its Privacy Notice, which may be changed or updated from time to time, to you at

Terakhir diperbarui: Januari 2024

1. PT Space Dragon Bali (“kami ”, “ kita ”, “ milik kami ”atau “ Perusahaan ”) berkomitmenteguh untuk menjaga Data Pribadi Anda. Pemberitahuan Privasi ini dantambahannya (“ Pemberitahuan Privasi ”)menjelaskan bagaimana dan mengapa kami mengumpulkan, memproses, menyimpan,menggunakan dan/atau mengungkapkan Data Pribadi Anda (sebagaimana didefinisikandi bawah) sehubungan dengan layanan kami yang Anda gunakan, serta sebagaihak-hak Anda sebagai individu. Pemberitahuan Privasi ini berlaku untuk konsumenatau penyewa kami dan mencakup semua Data Pribadi yang diberikan kepada kami. Setiappenggunaan yang tercantum dalam Pemberitahuan Privasi ini dan penggunaanlainnya yang dicatat pada saat pengumpulan diizinkan untuk Data Pribadi yangAnda berikan kepada kami.

2. Membaca Pemberitahuan Privasi ini akan membantu Anda memahami hakdan pilihan privasi Anda.

3. Data Pribadi berarti data setiapindividu atau seseorang yang dapat diidentifikasi sendiri atau digabungkandengan informasi lain baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui sistemelektronik atau non-elektronik (“ DataPribadi ”) sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Undang-Undang Republik IndonesiaNomor 27 Tahun 2022 tentang Perlindungan Data Pribadi sebagaimana dapat diubahatau diganti dengan peraturan perundang-undangan selanjutnya yang mengaturperlindungan data pribadi (“ UU PDPIndonesia ”).

Daftar isi

    ■  Data Pribadi Apa yang Kami Proses?

    ■  Apa Tujuan Pemrosesan Data Pribadi Anda?

    ■  Kapan dan Kepada Siapa Kami Membagikan Data Pribadi Anda?

    ■  Dasar Hukum Apa yang Kami Andalkan Untuk Memproses Data PribadiAnda?

    ■  Apa Hak Anda Berdasarkan Peraturan Perundang-undangan yangBerlaku?

    ■  Bagaimana Kami Menyimpan Data Pribadi Anda?

    ■  Berapa Lama Kami Menyimpan Data Pribadi Anda?

    ■  Apakah Kami Mengumpulkan Data Pribadi dari Anak di Bawah Umur?

    ■  Apakah Kami Melakukan Transfer Data Lintas Batas?

    ■  Bagaimana Anda Dapat Menghubungi Kami Tentang Pemberitahuan Ini?

    ■  Ketentuan Lain

Data Pribadi Apa yang Kami Proses?

4. Kami mengumpulkan dan memproses Data Pribadi berikut untuk tujuansebagaimana diuraikan di bagian berikutnya. Tanpa data tersebut, kami mungkintidak dapat menyediakan layanan kami. Data tersebut seperti:

    ■  nama keluarga dan nama depan;

    ■  tanggal lahir;

    ■  data paspor ;

    ■  izin tinggal ;

    ■  visa ;

    ■  kewarganegaraan;

    ■  contoh tanda tangan pribadi;

    ■  tempat tinggal tetap dan tempat tinggal sementara;

    ■  telepon ;

    ■  alamat email; Dan

    ■  rincian rekening bank.

5. Data Pribadi yang kami prosesdiberikan kepada kami secara langsung oleh Anda, dan harus benar, lengkap, danakurat, dan Anda dapat memberi tahu kami mengenai perubahan apa pun pada DataPribadi tersebut dengan mengacu pada Bagian 12 dari Pemberitahuan Privasi ini.

Apa Tujuan Memproses Data Pribadi Anda?

6. Kami dapat menggunakan DataPribadi Anda untuk tujuan berikut yang tercantum dalam daftar di bawah (“ Tujuan ”).

    ■  Negosiasi dan pelaksanaan salah satu perjanjian berikut: FormulirReservasi Apartemen, Perjanjian Pengikatan untuk Sewa, Perjanjian Sewa,Perjanjian Pengelolaan dan Pemeliharaan, dan perjanjian lain yang memilikitujuan serupa (terlepas dari judul spesifiknya), dan perubahan atau tambahanpada perjanjian ini (“ Dokumen Sewa ”),dan pemenuhan permintaan Anda sebelum menandatangani Dokumen Sewa;

    ■  Kinerja layanan dan/atau kewajiban kami berdasarkan Dokumen Sewa;

    ■  Kepatuhan terhadap persyaratan hukum; dan/atau

    ■  Perlindungan kepentingan vital Anda atau kepentingan sah kami(termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada tujuan yang disebutkan di sini).

7. Kami meminta Anda hanya membagikanData Pribadi jika benar-benar diperlukan untuk tujuan ini.

Kapandan Kepada Siapa Kami Membagikan Data Pribadi Anda?

8. Kami hanya akan mentransfer DataPribadi kepada pihak ketiga dimana kami mempunyai hak hukum untuk melakukannya.Untuk menjaga Data Pribadi dan memastikan bahwa kami secara memadai memenuhipersyaratan perlindungan, kerahasiaan, dan keamanan Data Pribadi ketika kamiberbagi data dengan orang lain, kami menerapkan perjanjian kontrak danlangkah-langkah keamanan sebagaimana diperlukan.

9. Kami mungkin membagikan sebagianData Pribadi Anda dengan bank, agen, perusahaan asuransi, dan perusahaan lainyang terlibat langsung dalam negosiasi, pelaksanaan , dan pelaksanaan DokumenSewa. Silakan lihat contoh aktivitas pemrosesan Data Pribadi di bawah ini yangmana dalam hal ini kami perlu mentransfer data Anda ke pihak ketiga atauaktivitas pemrosesan tersebut dilakukan oleh pihak ketiga sebagai pemrosesdata:

    1. Bank - Data Pribadi dapat dibagikan kepada bank  yang bermitra dengan kami dalam menyediakan fasilitas pembiayaan bagi calon pemilik  kondotel, atau menyiapkan rekening pembayaran yang diperlukan untuk aktivitas  pembayaran oleh pemilik kondotel.

    2. Perusahaan asuransi - Data Pribadi dapat dibagikan kepada  perusahaan asuransi apabila terjadi kecelakaan yang menimpa Anda di properti  Perusahaan dimana tidak ada pihak lain yang dapat memberikan Data Pribadi  Anda kepada Perusahaan Asuransi untuk keperluan klaim asuransi.

    3. Agen - Data Pribadi dapat dibagikan kepada agen  yang kami libatkan untuk memasarkan dan menarik calon pemilik kondotel.

    4. Afiliasi - Data Pribadi dapat dibagikan kepada afiliasi  kami, dalam hal ini kami akan mewajibkan afiliasi tersebut untuk menghormati  pemberitahuan privasi ini. Afiliasi mencakup perusahaan induk kami dan anak  perusahaan, mitra usaha patungan, atau perusahaan lain yang kami kendalikan  atau berada di bawah kendali yang sama dengan kami.

    5. Perusahaan lain - Data Pribadi dapat dibagikan kepada  penasihat kami (misalnya penasihat hukum, keuangan, bisnis , atau lainnya)  yang bertugas menjaga kerahasiaan kami dan ditugaskan oleh kami untuk  membantu penyediaan layanan kepada pemilik kondotel.

Dasar Hukum Apa yang Kami Andalkan Untuk Memproses DataPribadi Anda?

10. Kami hanya memproses Data Pribadi Anda jika kami yakin hal tersebutdiperlukan dan kami memiliki alasan hukum yang sah (yaitu, dasar hukum) untukmelakukan hal tersebut berdasarkan Undang-Undang PDP Indonesia serta peraturanpelaksanaan dan terkaitnya, dengan persetujuan Anda, untuk mematuhi ketentuanyang berlaku. undang-undang dan peraturan, untuk memberi Anda layanan untukmengadakan atau memenuhi kewajiban kontrak kami, untuk melindungi hak-hak Anda,untuk memenuhi kepentingan bisnis kami yang sah, atau untuk mengakomodasikepentingan vital dan publik.

11. Undang-Undang PDP Indonesia mewajibkan kami untuk menjelaskandasar hukum sah yang kami andalkan dalam memproses Data Pribadi Anda. Olehkarena itu, kami dapat mengandalkan dasar hukum berikut untuk memprosesinformasi pribadi Anda:

    a. Izin. Kami dapat memproses Data Pribadi Anda jika Anda telah memberi kami izin (yaitu persetujuan) untuk menggunakan Data Pribadi Anda untuk tujuan tertentu. Anda dapat menarik persetujuan Anda kapan saja.

    b. Kewajiban Kontrak. Kami dapat memproses Data Pribadi Anda untuk bernegosiasi, mengadakan atau memenuhi kontrak dengan Anda serta untuk menyimpan catatan untuk tujuan akuntansi setelah pengakhiran kontrak dengan Anda.

    c. Kewajiban Hukum. Kami dapat memproses Data Pribadi Anda jika kami yakin hal ini diperlukan untuk memenuhi kewajiban peraturan dan hukum kami, termasuk persyaratan 'kenali pelanggan Anda' (KYC) dan uji tuntas, untuk kerja sama dengan badan penegak hukum atau badan pengatur, untuk melaksanakan atau membela hak-hak hukum kami, untuk digunakan sebagai bukti dalam litigasi di mana kami terlibat dan/atau untuk tujuan     perpajakan ketika kami bertindak sebagai pemotong pajak.

    d. Kepentingan Sah. Kami dapat memproses Data Pribadi Anda untuk mencegah penipuan atau untuk memastikan keamanan jaringan dan informasi sistem TI kami.

    e. Kepentingan Vital. Kami dapat memproses Data Pribadi Anda jika terjadi keadaan yang membahayakan nyawa Anda di properti Perusahaan, misalnya bencana alam, cedera diri, dll.

    f. Kepentingan Umum. Kami dapat memproses Data Pribadi Anda jika keadaan mengharuskan Data Pribadi Anda diproses oleh otoritas pemerintah yang berwenang, misalnya untuk tujuan imigrasi, dll.


Apa Hak Anda Berdasarkan Peraturan Perundang-undangan yangBerlaku?

12. Kami ingin memastikan Andasepenuhnya menyadari semua hak perlindungan data Anda. Anda berhak atas hak-hakberikut:

    ■  Hak untuk mendapat informasi – meminta untuk mengetahui.Tergantung pada situasinya, Anda berhak mengetahui:

        - apakah kami mengumpulkan dan menggunakan Data Pribadi Anda;
        - kategori Data Pribadi yang kami kumpulkan;
        - tujuan penggunaan Data Pribadi yang dikumpulkan;
        - apakah kami membagikan Data Pribadi kepada pihak ketiga;
        - kategori Data Pribadi yang kami jual, bagikan, atau ungkapkanuntuk tujuan bisnis;
        - kategori pihak ketiga yang menerima pembagian Data Pribadi, ataudiungkapkan untuk tujuan bisnis;
        - tujuan bisnis atau komersial untuk mengumpulkan atau membagikanData Pribadi; Dan
        - bagian tertentu dari Data Pribadi yang kami kumpulkan tentangAnda.

    ■  Hak atas perbaikan – Anda berhak meminta Perusahaanmengoreksi Data Pribadi apa pun yang Anda yakini tidak akurat. Anda juga berhakmeminta Perusahaan untuk melengkapi Data Pribadi yang Anda yakini tidaklengkap.

    ■  Hak untuk menghapus – Anda berhak meminta Perusahaanmenghentikan pemrosesan data atau menghapus/memusnahkan Data Pribadi Andasepanjang diizinkan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. JikaAnda meminta kami untuk menghapus Data Pribadi Anda, kami akan menghormatipermintaan Anda dan menghapus Data Pribadi Anda, dengan tunduk padapengecualian tertentu yang diberikan oleh undang-undang dan peraturan, seperti(namun tidak terbatas pada) persyaratan kepatuhan kami yang diakibatkan olehkewajiban hukum, atau pemrosesan apa pun yang mungkin diperlukan untukmelindungi dari aktivitas ilegal.

    ■  Hak untuk membatasi pemrosesan – Anda berhak meminta agarPerusahaan membatasi/menunda/menangguhkan pemrosesan Data Pribadi Andasepanjang diizinkan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku .

    ■  Hak untuk menolak pemrosesan – Anda berhak untuk menolakpemrosesan Data Pribadi Anda oleh Perusahaan sejauh diizinkan berdasarkanperaturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

    ■  Hak atas portabilitas data – Anda berhak meminta Perusahaanuntuk mentransfer data yang telah kami kumpulkan ke organisasi lain , ataulangsung kepada Anda sepanjang diperbolehkan berdasarkan peraturanperundang-undangan yang berlaku.

    ■  Hak untuk menarik persetujuan – Anda mempunyai hak untuk menarikpemrosesan Data Pribadi Anda sejauh diizinkan berdasarkan peraturanperundang-undangan yang berlaku.

    ■  Hak untuk mendapatkan kompensasi – Anda berhak untuk mengajukanklaim dan mendapatkan kompensasi atas pelanggaran pemrosesan Data Pribadiberdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Dengan mengirimkan emailke atau menghubungi kami melalui pos ke alamat kamisebagaimana tercantum dalam Bagian 20, Anda dapat menggunakan hak di atas, dankami akan merespons Anda dengan tunduk pada hukum dan peraturan yang berlakupada waktu yang tepat.

Bagaimana Kami Menyimpan Data Pribadi Anda? 

13. Kami bertujuan untuk melindungiData Pribadi Anda melalui sistem tindakan keamanan organisasi dan teknis.

14. Kami telah menerapkanlangkah-langkah keamanan teknis dan organisasi yang sesuai dan wajar yangdirancang untuk melindungi keamanan Data Pribadi apa pun yang kami proses: DataPribadi Anda disimpan dengan aman di penyimpanan cloud Microsoft Azure.

15. Saat kami membagikan Data Pribadi Anda dengan pihak ketiga mana pun, kamiakan berusaha memastikan bahwa pihak ketiga tersebut mematuhi Undang-Undang PDPIndonesia, Pemberitahuan Privasi ini, dan langkah-langkah kerahasiaan dankeamanan lain yang sesuai yang kami wajibkan untuk mereka patuhi saatmenggunakan DataPribadi Anda .kecuali Data Pribadi yang Anda berikan langsung kepadapihak ketiga melalui penggunaan layanan mereka.

16. Namun, meskipun kami telahmelakukan pengamanan dan upaya untuk mengamankan Data Pribadi Anda, tidak ada transmisielektronik melalui internet atau teknologi penyimpanan informasi yang dapatdijamin 100% aman, sehingga kami tidak dapat menjanjikan atau menjamin bahwaperetas, penjahat dunia maya, atau pihak ketiga tidak sah lainnya tidak akan melakukan haltersebut. dapat merusak keamanan kami dan mengumpulkan, mengakses, mencuri,atau mengubah informasi Anda secara tidak patut. Meskipun kami akan melakukanyang terbaik untuk melindungi Data Pribadi Anda, transmisi Data Pribadi ke dandari layanan kami dilakukan atas risiko Anda sendiri. Anda sebaiknya hanyamengakses layanan dalam lingkungan yang aman.

Berapa Lama Kami Menyimpan Data Pribadi Anda?

17. Selama dianggap perlu untuk tujuanpengumpulannya (termasuk sebagaimana diwajibkan oleh undang-undang dan/atauperaturan terkait), kami menyimpan Data Pribadi Anda yang telah kami proses.

Kecuali kami menghapusData Pribadi Anda setelah menerima permintaan dari Anda, waktu penyimpananstandar kami untuk catatan dan bukti dokumenter lainnya yang dihasilkan selamapenyediaan layanan adalah minimal lima tahun, tidak termasuk kewajiban hukum,peraturan, kontrak khusus dan/ atau untuk kepentingan bisnis sah kami. Kamiakan membuang informasi Anda dengan menghapusnya dari catatan kami dan daripenyimpanan cadangan apa pun setelah lima tahun atau jangka waktu lebih lamasebagaimana diwajibkan oleh undang-undang dan peraturan yang berlaku sejaktanggal berakhirnya masa sewa.

Periode penyimpananyang diperpanjang untuk Data Pribadi mungkin diperlukan oleh undang-undang atauperaturan, serta ketika diperlukan untuk menetapkan, melaksanakan, ataumempertahankan hak hukum kami.

Apakah Kami Mengumpulkan Data Pribadi dari Anak di BawahUmur? 

18. Dalam hal Data Pribadi anak di bawah umur diungkapkan kepada kami,Anda dengan ini mengakui, sebagai wali sah anak tersebut, bahwa Anda telahmembaca dan memahami bahwa pemrosesan Data Pribadi anak Anda akan dilakukandengan cara yang ditentukan dalam ketentuan ini. Pemberitahuan Privasi.

Apakah Kami Melakukan TransferData Lintas Batas?

19. Perusahaan mematuhi undang-undangmengenai transfer Data Pribadi antar negara untuk membantu memastikan data Andaterlindungi, di mana pun data tersebut berada. Dalam hal apa pun, kami akanmengambil langkah-langkah yang tepat untuk memastikan bahwa Data Pribadi Andatetap tunduk pada standar perlindungan yang sebanding dengan persyaratanberdasarkan undang-undang dan peraturan yang berlaku, yaitu, kami akan memilikiperjanjian yang mengikat dengan masing-masing mitra bisnis asing untuk mengaturperlindungan. Data Pribadi Anda.

Bagaimana Anda Dapat Menghubungi Kami Tentang PemberitahuanIni?

20. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan ataukomentar tentang pemberitahuan ini, Anda dapat mengirim email kepada kami di atau menghubungi kami melalui pos di:

The Promenade Jl.Shortcut Teratai - Batu Bolong No. P14, Canggu, Kuta Utara, Badung, Bali ,Indonesia

Ketentuan Lain

21. Pemberitahuan Privasi ini diaturberdasarkan hukum Republik Indonesia.        

22. Perusahaan sewaktu-waktu dapatmelakukan perubahan atau pembaruan terhadap Pemberitahuan Privasi ini sebagaibagian dari kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan dan kebijakaninternal Perusahaan. Perusahaan memposting Pemberitahuan Privasinya, yang dapatdiubah atau diperbarui dari waktu ke waktu, kepada Anda di


1. PT Space Dragon Bali (“we”, “us”, “our” or the “Company”) is steadfastly committed to safeguarding your Personal Data. This Privacy Notice and its addendum(s) (“Privacy Notice”) explains how and why we collect, process, store, use and/or disclose your Personal Data (as defined below) in relation to your use of our services, as well as your rights as an individual. This Privacy Notice applies to our consumers or contractors and encompasses any Personal Data given to us. Any of the uses listed in this Privacy Notice and any other uses noted at the time of collection are permitted for the Personal Data you supply to us.

2. Reading this Privacy Notice will help you understand your privacy rights and choices.

3. Personal Data means any individual’s or person’s data that can be identified on its own or in combination with other information either directly or indirectly through an electronic or non-electronic system (“Personal Data”) as defined in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection as may be amended or substituted by subsequent legislation governing personal data protection (“Indonesia PDP Law”).

Table of Content

    ■  What Personal Data Do We Process?•
    ■  What Is The Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data?•
    ■  When And With Whom Do We Share Your Personal Data?•
    ■  What Legal Bases Do We Rely On To Process Your Personal Data?•
    ■  What Are Your Rights Under The Applicable Laws and Regulations?•
    ■  How Do We Keep Your Personal Data?•
    ■  How Long Do We Keep Your Personal Data? •
    ■  Do We Collect Personal Data From Minors?•
    ■  Do We Do Cross-Border Data Transfer? •
    ■  How Can You Contact Us About This Notice? •
    ■  Miscellaneous

What Personal Data Do We Process?

4. We collect and process the following Personal Data for the purposes as elaborated in the next section. Without it, we may not be able to provide our services:

    ■  surname and first name; •
    ■  date of birth;•
    ■  passport data; •
    ■  stay permit data; •
    ■  visa data;•
    ■  citizenship; •
    ■  a sample of a personal signature; •
    ■  place of permanent residence and temporary stay;•
    ■  phone number;•
    ■  e-mail address; and•
    ■  bank account details.

5. The Personal Data we process is provided to us directly by you, and must be true, complete, and accurate, and you can notify us of any changes to such Personal Data by referring to Section 12 of this Privacy Notice.

What Is The Purpose Of Processing Your Personal Data?

6. We may use your Personal Data for the following purposes set out in the list below (“Purposes”).

    ■  Negotiation and execution of any of the following agreements: Reservation Form, Profit-Sharing Agreement and any other agreements serving a similar purpose (regardless of their specific titles), and the amendments or supplements to these agreements (“Documents”), and fulfilment of your request before entering into the Documents;•
    ■  Performance of our services and/or obligations under the Documents;•
    ■  Compliance with legal requirements; and/or•
    ■  Protection of your vital interest or our legitimate interest (including but not limited to the purposes stated herein).

7. We ask you only to share Personal Data where it is strictly needed for these purposes.

When And With Whom Do We Share Your Personal Data?

8. We will only transfer Personal Data to third parties where we have the legal right to do so. In order to preserve the Personal Data and ensure that we adequately satisfy the requirements of Personal Data protection, confidentiality, and security when we share data with others, we put in place contractual agreements and security measures as necessary.

9. We may share some of your Personal Data with banks, agents, insurance companies, and other companies directly involved in the negotiation, execution and performance of the Documents. Please see below examples of Personal Data processing activities in which case we will need to transfer your data to a third party or such processing activities are performed by a third party as data processors:

    1. Banks - Personal Data may be shared with banks partnered with us in providing financing facilities for potential condotel owners, or setting up payment accounts necessary for the payment activities by the condotel owner.

    2. Insurance Companies - Personal Data may be shared with insurance companies should there is an accident that happened to you in the Company’s properties whereby no other parties could provide your Personal Data to the Insurance Companies for insurance claims purposes.

    3. Agents - Personal Data may be shared with agents engaged by us for marketing and attracting potential condotel owners.

    4. Affiliates - Personal Data may be shared with our affiliates, in which case we will require those affiliates to honor this privacy notice. Affiliates include our parent company and any subsidiaries, joint venture partners, or other companies that we control or that are under common control with us.

    5. Other Companies - Personal Data may be shared with our advisors (e.g. legal, financial, business or other advisors) who are under a duty of confidentiality to us and engaged by us to assist in provision of services to the condotel owners.

What Legal Bases Do We Rely On To Process Your Personal Data?

10. We only process your Personal Data when we believe it is necessary and we have a valid legal reason (i.e., a legal basis) to do so under the Indonesia PDP Law and its implementing and related regulations, with your consent, to comply with the applicable laws and regulations, to provide you with services to enter into or to fulfill our contractual obligations, to protect your rights, to fulfill our legitimate business interests, or to accommodate vital and public interests.

11. The Indonesia PDP Law requires us to explain the valid legal bases we rely on in order to process your Personal Data. As such, we may rely on the following legal bases to process your personal information:

    a. Consent. We may process your Personal Data if you have given us permission (i.e., consent) to use your Personal Data for a specific purpose. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

    b. Contractual Obligations. We may process your Personal Data in order to negotiate, enter into or fulfill a contract with you as well as to keep records for accounting purposes after the termination of the contract with you.

    c. Legal Obligations. We may process your Personal Data in cases where we believe it is necessary for compliance with our regulatory and legal obligations, including our ‘know your customer’ (KYC) and due diligence requirements, for cooperation with a law enforcement body or regulatory agency, for exercising or defending our legal rights, for use as evidence in litigation in which we are involved and/or for tax purposes when we act as a tax withholder.

    d. Legitimate Interests. We may process your Personal Data to prevent fraud or to ensure the network and information security of our IT systems.

    e. Vital Interests. We may process your Personal Data if circumstances risk your life in the Company’s properties, e.g., natural disasters, personal injuries, etc.

    f. Public Interests. We may process your Personal Data if circumstances necessitate your Personal Data being processed by the authorised governmental authority, e.g., for immigration purposes, etc.

What Are Your Rights Under The Applicable Laws and Regulations?

12. We would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. You are entitled to the following rights:

    ■  The right to be informed – request to know. Depending on the circumstances, you have a right to know:

        - whether we collect and use your Personal Data;
        - the categories of Personal Data that we collect;
        - the purposes for which the collected Personal Data is used;
        - whether we share Personal Data to third parties;
        - the categories of Personal Data that we have sold, shared, or disclosed for a business purpose;
        - the categories of the third parties to whom the Personal Data was shared, or disclosed for a business purpose;
        - the business or commercial purpose for collecting or sharing Personal Data; and
        - the specific pieces of Personal Data we have collected about you.•

    ■  The right to rectification – You have the right to request that the Company correct any Personal Data you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request the Company to complete the Personal Data you believe is incomplete. •

    ■  The right to erasure – You have the right to request that the Company terminate the data processing or erase/destroy your Personal Data  to the extent permissible under prevailing laws and regulations. If you ask us to delete your Personal Data, we will respect your request and delete your Personal Data, subject to certain exceptions provided by the laws and regulations, such as (but not limited to) our compliance requirements resulting from a legal obligation, or any processing that may be required to protect against illegal activities.•

    ■  The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that the Company restrict/delay/suspend the processing of your Personal Data to the extent permissible under prevailing laws and regulations . •

    ■  The right to object to the processing – You have the right to object to the Company’s processing of your Personal Data to the extent permissible under prevailing laws and regulations. • The right to data portability – You have the right to request that the Company transfer the data that we have collected to another organisation, or directly to you to the extent permissible under prevailing laws and regulations. •

    ■  The right to withdraw consent – You have the right to withdraw your Personal Data processing to the extent permissible under the applicable laws and regulations.•

    ■  The right to obtain compensation – You have the right to submit a claim and obtain compensation for the violation of Personal Data processing under the applicable laws and regulations.

By sending an email to or contact us by post to our address as stated in Section 20, you can exercise the above rights, and we will respond to you subject to the applicable laws and regulations in a timely manner.

How Do We Keep Your Personal Data?

13. We aim to protect your Personal Data through a system of organisational and technical security measures.

14. We have implemented appropriate and reasonable technical and organisational security measures designed to protect the security of any Personal Data we process: your Personal Data is securely stored in Microsoft Azure cloud storage .

15. When we share your Personal Data with any third party, we will strive to ensure that such third party complies with the Indonesian PDP Law, this Privacy Notice and other appropriate confidentiality and security measures that we require them to comply with when using your Personal Data, except for the Personal Data you provide directly to the third party through the use of their services.

16. However, despite our safeguards and efforts to secure your Personal Data, no electronic transmission over the internet or information storage technology can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, so we cannot promise or guarantee that hackers, cybercriminals, or other unauthorised third parties will not be able to defeat our security and improperly collect, access, steal, or modify your information. Although we will do our best to protect your Personal Data, transmission of Personal Data to and from our services is done at your own risk. You should only access the services within a secure environment.

How Long Do We Keep Your Personal Data?

17. For as long as it is deemed necessary for the purposes for which it was collected (including as required by relevant laws and/or regulations), we retain your Personal Data that has been processed by us.

Unless we delete your Personal Data following the receipt of a request from you, our standard retention time for records and other documentary evidence produced in the course of providing services is a minimum of five years, excluding any special legal, regulatory, contractual obligations and/or for our legitimate business interests. We will dispose of your information by deleting it from our records and from any back up storage after five years or a longer period as required by applicable laws and regulations from the date of expiry of the agreement.

Extended retention periods for Personal Data may be needed by law or regulation, as well as when it is necessary to establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights.

Do We Collect Personal Data from Minors?

18. In the event that the Personal Data of a minor is disclosed to us, you hereby acknowledge, as the rightful legal guardian of the child, that you have read and understand the processing of your children’s Personal Data will be performed in a manner provided under this Privacy Notice.

Do We Do Cross-Border Data Transfer?

19. The Company complies with laws on the transfer of Personal Data between countries to help ensure your data is protected, wherever it may be. In any case, we will take appropriate steps to ensure that your Personal Data remains subject to a standard of protection comparable to the requirements under the applicable laws and regulations, i.e., we will have a binding agreement with each foreign business partner to govern the protection of your Personal Data.

How Can You Contact Us About This Notice?

20. If you have questions or comments about this notice, you may email us at or contact us by post at:

The Promenade Jl. Shortcut Teratai - Batu Bolong No. P14, Canggu, Kuta Utara, Badung, Bali , Indonesia


21. This Privacy Notice is governed under laws of the Republic of Indonesia.

22. The Company may at any time make changes or updates to this Privacy Notice as part of compliance with laws and regulations and the Company’s internal policies. The Company posts its Privacy Notice, which may be changed or updated from time to time, to you at